My poor dad has season tickets to the BYU games and my mom has to work every other Saturday! So, after my dad went to two games all by himself, I could finally go with him! It was freezing! I wore 4 shirts (two long and two short sleeve) long garms, two pair of long underwear bottoms, snow pants, two pair of thick socks, a scarf, beenie, two sweatshirts, ski coat, and brought a blanket! The only thing i din't use was one of my sweatshirts and I sat on the blanket. Luckily, it didn't rain! Or SNOW!!! BYU won and we went to dinner at TGIFridays after, to avoid traffic and get a bite to eat. Don't mind the weird face in the picture. I was trying really hard not to shake the camera when I was shivering and I have hat hair from my beenie. Thanks for taking me, Daddy!